Lets take a quick look into the network traffic that is generated when an activity occurs such as a file download via an HTTP request. We will also look further into the TCP protocol handshake, sequence numbers, and their values. We will examine their significance resulting from the HTTP request. What role does TCP play during HTTP requests? Is TCP a connection-oriented protocol? Explain in details. A TCP header has Flags field. Describe the meaning of flags "SYN", "SYN ACK" and "FIN". Transmission Control Protocol is, as its name states, controls the transmission of an application between end points. HTTP is the application layer in this case, TCP provides for the reliable delivery of HTTP requests. It passes over to the network layer. A user initiates an HTTP request by opening a browser and requesting a web page via a URL. The server will then deliver the request, and any objects such as images, movies, PDF files etc that the web page may have em
Being creative within a structure as it applies to music, photography, and programming.