An analysis of the Medical Mirror's usability reveals a major challenge. Is a flaw in the system preventing the Medical Mirror from reaching its full potential?
The Medical Mirror is a web cam, mirror, and computer system working together to provide immediate vital sign feedback to the individual looking into it. Ming-Zher Pooh an electrical and medical-engineering graduate student at MIT developed a technology that monitors pulse, respiration, and blood pressure through a web cam, computer and mirror (Mone, 2011). The web cam receives input in the form of reflected light waves, translates the information, and outputs a readable rate measurement on the mirror’s surface. Consider the immediate benefits for the health conscious individual in the way of heart rate, and blood pressure monitoring prior to a workout routine. Additionally, it can prove valuable in hospices, nursing homes, and hospitals. Uses can be extended to include infants, the elderly, or infirm where attaching mon
Being creative within a structure as it applies to music, photography, and programming.